Bill Gates - Founder of Microsoft

Saturday, June 9, 2007
Young Bill Gates13 years old. (1968).
Bill with Poul Allen (one of the fonders of Microsoft)

Young Bill Gates27 years old, (1982)

Young Bill GatesYoung Bill GatesIn 1977 Gates was arrested for speeding

Young Bill GatesPartners. Paul Allen and Bill Gates, 1982

Young Bill GatesThe Microsoft corporation in 1978.

Young Bill Gates1987

Young Bill Gates
Yesterday Bill Gates finally received a diploma from the Harvard University. He gave up it in 1975 on the second year.
I waited more than 30 years to say : "Father, I always told you that back and get degree," said Gates.

Photos: Darren McCollester / Getty ImagesPhoto : Darren McCollester / Getty Images

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